CL’s 2000 – 2009
The Concordia Lutheran
The official periodical of the
Concordia Lutheran Conference
– 2000’s –
- Cover: “Unto you is born a Savior, Christ the Lord!” Luke 2:11
- Remembering to Give Thanks unto the Lord. Psalm 92:1-2 —DTM
- The Names Of Our Newborn Savior. Isaiah 9:6 —DGR
- The Rectilinear Prophecy of Our Savior in Micah 5:2. —PEB
- How about a Christmas Gift for the Lord Jesus? Psalm 116:12 —JAM
- Running Our Christian Race in the New Year. Hebrews 12:1-2 —MLN
- Cover: “Hold fast the form of sound words.” II Timothy 1:13
- Scripture Alone – The Foundation of Our Faith. Ephesians 5:1 —DTM
- Rightly Judging the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (Part Two of Two Parts) John 7:24b —RJL
- Godly Communication in What We Say and Write. I Peter 3:10-11 —EJW
- Cover: “Redeeming the time...” Ephesians 5:16
- Urgent! “Redeeming the time…” with respect to the training of future pastors in our Conference. —Committee on Theological Education
- Convention Digest. Motto:“Redeeming the time…” Ephesians 5:16 —PEB
- Homosexuality IS Sin. I Corinthians 6:9-10 —EJW
- The Three Kinds of Temptation. —Ed.
- Prayer for our Seminary and our Students. —Ed.
- Cover: “The Spirit gave them utterance” Acts 2:4
- Christ’s Prophetic Office in the State of Exaltation. Ephesians 4:11-12 —DTM
- Our Confident Use of Bible Translations in the Light of the Great Commission. Mark 16:15 —DTM
- Are You Spirit-Connected If You Do Not Feel His Presence? John 14:26 —RJL
- The Fruits of the Spirit to be Cultivated by Every True Christian. Galatians 5:22-23 —PEB
- The Holy Trinity Revealed in the Old Testament. Genesis 1:26 —EJW
- Cover:“He is risen, as He said.”. Matthew 28:6
- Remembering the Lord’s Death in His Holy Supper. I Corinthians 11:26 —DTM
- Christ Suffered the Pains of HELL to Redeem Us. Matthew 27:46 —DTM
- Did Christ REALLY Rise from the Dead on Easter Morning? Matthew 28:6 —DTM
- Walking with the Risen Savior in His Word. Luke 24:32 —DTM
- To Be Content, Trust God’s Will and Promise! I Timothy 6:8 —EJW
- Let us pray on behalf of our Pastors! II Thessalonians 3:1 —Ed.
- Cover: “Ye shall be witnesses unto Me.” Acts 1:8
- New Year’s Meditation — MLN
- The Temptation of Christ — For Our Comfort and Salvation — Hebrews 2:18 — PEB
- Focus on Personal Christian Missionwork — Acts 1:8 — DTM
- Why Preach Christ to Those Who Have a “Religion” of Their Own? — Ephesians 2:12-13 — NBF
- Interim Report of the Committee on Missions — II Timothy 3:14 — RJL
- Pastor Robinson Dodo — Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 — NBF
- Cover: “The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.”. Titus 2:11
- We Christians Should Be Thankful for Everything! I Thessalonians 5:18 —DTM
- Advent as a Penitential Season. Matthew 3:2 — DGR
- How Millennialism Draws Men Away from the True Christian Hope. Colossians 3:1–2 —PEB
- The More Presents, the Merrier the Christmas?? Luke 12:15 —EJW
- Objective Justification in The Angels’ Song! Luke 2:14 —RJL
- In Heaven with Her Savior… Donna Mae Lietz —Ed.
- Cover: “By grace are ye saved…not of works”. Ephesians 2:8-9
- The Proper Relationship between Employee and Employer ––According to Scripture. I Peter 2:18 —JAM
- Salvation by Works Is Not a “Dead Issue” in Spite of the Reformation. Ephesians 2:8-9 —DTM
- Priorities: How They Should Determine Our Life’s Choices. Matthew 6:33 —EJW
- Rightly Judging the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (Part One of Two Parts) John 7:24b —RJL
- Cover: “Be married to whom [you] will, only in the Lord”. I Corinthians 7:39
- The Importance of Choosing And Having a Truly Christian Spouse. I Corinthians 7:39 —MLN
- Convention Digest. —DTM
- A Prayer For Our Pastors Abroad. —Ed.
- From Our Nigerian Brethren… Psalm 133:1 —Committee on Missions
- Counsel from the Word of God for a Truly Happy Marriage… —Ed.
- Cover: “These three are One.” I John 5:7
- Our Citizenship Is in Heaven! Philippians 3:20 —MLN
- Do We Truly LOVE the Savior? John 21:15ff. —DGR
- Jesus’ Promise of the Comforter to His Disciples and to US. John 14:26-27 —DTM
- The WORD of the Gospel –The Spirit’s MEANS unto Salvation. Acts 2:14 —JAM
- “These Three are One” I John 5:7 —DTM
- From Our Russian Brethren… Psalm 133:1 —Committee on Missions
- Cover: “Now IS Christ risen from the dead!” I Corinthians 15:20
- What had Jesus accomplished when He died? John 19:30 —DTM
- Close Communion –Snobbery or Orthodoxy? Amos 3:3 —DTM
- The Bodily Resurrection of Christ a Fundamental Doctrine. I Corinthians 15:17, 19‑20 —EJW
- Chronology of the Risen Savior’s Appearances. —DTM
- Christ’s Promised Presence with Us Still Today …also According to His Human Nature. Eph 4:10 —PEB
- Cover:“The glory of the Lord is risen upon thee!” Isaiah 60:1b
- The Manifestation of God’s Grace Is the Glory of His Church. Isaiah 60:1 —DTM
- The Fruit of Christ’s Epiphany in Our Lives. Titus 2:11–14 —PEB
- Parental Oversight and Internet Safety in the Age of Instant Messaging and MySpace. Ephesians 4:29 —EJW
- Seminary Update. —DTM
- Statement of Purpose of Our Seminary. —Ed.
- “The Lamb of God” Willingly Bore Our Guilt. Luke 22:42 —DTM
- Cover: “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” Revelation 22:20
- Martin Luther; The Gratitude We Owe God for the Work of the Reformation through His Instrument. —MLN
- Let Us Give Thanks unto the Lord! Ephesians 5:20 —DTM
- Rejoice Greatly in This Advent Season? Yes, Most Certainly! Zechariah 9:9 —RJL
- The Assumption of the Human Nature into the Son of God. —PEB
- The Significance of Christmas Giving. II Corinthians 9:15 —EJW
- “My Times Are in Thy Hand.” Psalm 31:15a —DGR
- Advent Comfort. —Ed.
- Peace with God, His Good Will toward Men! —DTM
- Cover: “God is our Refuge and Strength.” Psalm 46:1
- Why Did Luther Write His Small Catechism? —MLN
- Drinking and Drunkenness. Ephesians 5:18 —EJW
- Putting the Best Construction on Everything. I Corinthians 13:4a, 5d‑7 —RJL
- St. Mark’s Celebrates Fifty Years, by God’s Grace! Psalm 126:3 —RJL & PEB
- Seminary Update. —DTM
- Cover: “The Lord, our Righteousness” Jeremiah 23:6
- The Active Obedience of Christ, His Righteousness for Our Justification. Romans 5:18b —PEB
- The Vital Relationship of Orthodox Practice to Orthodoxy in Doctrine. Luke 6:46 —DTM
- Convention Digest, Motto: “The Lord, our Righteousness” Jeremiah 23:6 —DTM
- Official Announcement: Faith Ev. Luth. Church, Rev. R. A. Mahan, sinful separation from fellowship. —EJW
- Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy, Orthodox Doctrine and Practice quotes —Ed.
- Cover: “There is none other God but one.” I Corinthians 8:4
- Our Ascension Comfort in the Savior’s Threefold Office at the Right Hand of God. Mark 16:19 —DTM
- God the Holy Ghost: His Work through the Scriptures Alone! I Corinthians 2:13 —RJL
- “In God We Trust”?? Psalm 33:12 —DTM
- The Osiandrian Controversy. Jeremiah 23:6 —DTM
- Cover: “He is risen!” Mark 16:6
- “A Bone of Him Shall Not Be Broken” John 19:33 and 36 —DTM
- The Fourfold Comfort and Assurance We Have in the Message of the Easter Angel. Mark 16:6-7 —DTM
- Jesus’ Visible Appearance to Doubting Thomas. John 20:27c —RJL
- The Pernicious Inroads of False Doctrine and Practice. Acts 20:30 —MLN
- On False Prophets. —Ed.
- On False Interpretation of Holy Scripture. —Ed.
- Concern for our Nigerian Brethren. Galatians 6:10 —RJL
- One Hundred Years, by God’s Grace! I Samuel 7:12 —RJL
- Cover: “Behold, we go up to Jerusalem…” Luke 18:31
- Our Savior’s Epiphany in His Miracles. John 5:36 —PEB
- What is LEGALISM, and what DANGERS does it pose? II Corinthians 3:6 —RJL
- How Antinomianism Militates against the Gospel. Romans 3:19 —DTM
- Let Us SEE Our Blessed Redeemer in His Holy Passion! Luke 18:34 — DTM
- Remembering Luther’s Death. Hebrews 13:7 —MLN
- Official Announcement: St. Stephen’s severs fellowship with Concordia Lutheran Conference. —EJW
- Blasphemy! Ed.
- Cover: “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable Gift!” II Corinthians 9:15
- Remembering Luther’s Birth. Hebrews 13:7 —MLN
- O Give Thanks unto the Lord! Psalm 118:1 —DTM
- Anticipating with Joy Our Savior’s Advent. I Thessalonians 2:19 —PEB
- God’s Gift of Love – Our Christmas Treasure. I John 4:9 —RJL
- Our Hopes for the New Year. Romans 8:28-30 —DTM
- The Christian and the Party Scene: “What Saith the Scriptures?” Luke 21:34 —EJW
- Official Announcement: Rev. Mark W. Dierking resignation. —EJW
- “So help us God!” Pastoral conference resolution and oath. —Ed.
- Proverbs 5:20 is a sedes doctrinae. —DTM
- Our Scriptural Position on the Modern Social Dance. I Peter 4:4 —Ed.
- Cover: “Earnestly contend for the Faith.” Jude 3
- The Authority of Holy Scripture—Sola Scriptura.. Ephesians 2:20 —PEB
- Straddling the Fence, The Admission of Defeat. Matthew 12:30 —DTM
- Continuing in the Word of God. John 8:31-32 —RAM
- What is it about faith that justifies? Romans 5:1 —DTM
- Rightly Judging the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Romans 16:17 —RJL
- Battling the Temptation to Yield to Peer Pressure. Proverbs 1:10 —EJW
- Would these men be in the heterodox Missouri Synod today? —Ed.
- Cover: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together”. Hebrews 10:25
- The God-Ordained Participation of Christians in the Local Congregation. Acts 2:42 —DTM, Edited by RJL.
- Convention Digest MOTTO: Hebrews 10:25 —DTM
- The Scriptural Principles of Christian Giving. DTM
- Cover: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost..” Matthew 28:19
- “Why Did Jesus Just Up and Leave Us?” John 16:7 —DTM
- The Gift of the Holy Ghost: Saving Faith in Christ. I Corinthians 12:3b —RJL
- “He therefore, that will be saved must thus think of the Trinity.” Matthew 28:19 —MLN
- The Athanasian Creed —Ed.
- The One Thing Needful for a Happy Christian Home. Joshua 24:15—PEB
- We Should Consider the Augsburg Confession a Great Treasure. Psalm 119:46—MWD
- Cover: “It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again.”. Romans 8:34
- Jesus, I Will Ponder Now! Matthew 26:40 —RJL
- What Christ Suffered in Our Place. I Peter 3:18 —PEB
- The Active Obedience of Christ in His Passion. Hebrews 5:8 —EJW
- Christ’s Triumphant Resurrection. Psalm 118:24 —DTM
- Rightly Judging the L.C.R. John 7:24b. —RJL
- Evidences and Proofs of Jesus’ Resurrection.—DTM
- Cover: “We have also a more sure Word of prophecy.” II Peter 1:19
- The Testimony of Peter, a Witness of Jesus’ Transfiguration. II Peter 1:16 —RJL
- What Is a Truly God pleasing Engagement? —DTM
- Regarding the ecclesiastical names for the Sundays in Lent … —Ed.
- Why Jesus Anticipated His Suffering with Great Joy. Hebrews 12:2 —DGR
- Looking Forward to Our Nigerian Visit. Acts 16:9 —RJL
- Looking Back on our Effort in Midland, Michigan. —DTM
- A Prayer for the coming Lenten season … —Ed.
- Cover: “The Lord hath made known His Salvation!” Psalm 98:2a
- True Gratitude is a Fruit of Saving Faith. Colossians 3:17 —RAM
- The Coming Savior in Old Testament Prophecy. Malachi 3:1 —DTM
- What was Blessed about the Virgin Mary? Luke 1:48 —PEB
- An Advent Prayer—Ed.
- The Childlike Faith of Mary and Joseph in Their Savior. Luke 1:38, Matthew 1:24—EJW
- Why Only a Christian Can Have a Truly Happy New Year! Lamentations 3:22-23 —RJL
- A New Year’s Prayer—Ed.
- Official Notice: Constitutional change to the Committee on Theological Education. —RJL
- Cover: “Ye are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets.”. Ephesians 2:20
- Is there a Difference between the LAW of God and the ORDINANCE of God? Exodus 34:11.—RJL
- Does God’s Law Apply Also to Christians? Romans 3:20 — PEB
- Are Christian Fathers in Duty Bound to Provide for Their Families? I Timothy 5:8 —MWD
- Do the Confessions Norm the Scriptures?? Ephesians 2:19-20 —DTM
- The Russian Trip by Mission Committee Representatives. —R.A.M. and E. J. W
- Self‑Pity. —MLN
- Cover: “That there be no divisions among you”. I Corinthians 1:10
- The Lord Commands Separation!- —II Corinthians 6:14ff.—EJW
- Convention Digest.—DTM
- Introducing . . . ST. MARK’S Sauk Village, Illinois.—RJL
- OFFICIAL NOTICE:Declaration of fellowship from the Fellowship of Lutheran Cong. in Nigeria.—RJL
- Cover: “He ascended up on high… and gave gifts unto men.” Ephesians 4:8
- Some Mother’s Day Thoughts to Consider—MLN
- Passages for the Children to Review for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. —Ed.
- The Ascended Christ’s Gifts to His Church. —Ephesians 4:8; 11-12—DTM
- The Suffering of Christians in Job’s Footsteps.—Hebrews 12:6—MWD
- Pentecost: Power to be Witnesses unto Christ.– Acts 1:8—PEB
- The Duties of Christian Fathers. Ephesians 6:4—RJL
- Cover: “Christ was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for our justification.” Romans 4:25
- The Lamb of God in the Types of the Old Testament. John 1:29 —PEB
- Christ’s Vicarious Atonement. John 4:25a —DTM
- The Resurrection of Christ “…for our justification.”. Romans 4:25b —RJL
- Christ lag in Todesbanden—(TLH 195, v. 1 –3)
- Christ’s Redemptive Work…Luther’s Church Postil, (St. L. Ed. XII, 1586) —Ed.
- The Signs of the Times—German Protestant Churches. —MLN
- Cover: “Jesus manifested forth His glory.” John 2:11
- The Glorious Light of the Savior’s Epiphany — II Corinthians 4:6 — RJL
- The Meaning of the Season of Lent — PEB
- The Savior Looks Forward to His Impending Suffering and Death — Matthew 16:21 — DTM
- Internal Repentance versus External Ashes — RAM
- The Signs of the Times — MLN
- Cover: “The glory as of the only begotten of the Father” John 1:14
- Giving Thanks to the God of Our Salvation. Psalm 116:12-14 —RJL
- Christ, The Messenger of the Covenant. Malachi 3:1 —DTM
- The Joyous Message of the Christmas Angels. Luke 2:10-14. —DTM
- Using Our Time Wisely in These Last Evil Days. Ephesians 5:15–16 —PEB
- The Need for Faithful Christian Pastors. Matthew 9:37 —DTM
- Official Announcement and Report Pastor Roman G. Schurganoff, colloquy Oct. 25-26, 2004—RJL
- The Telltale Signs of the Sad Deterioration of Lutheranism in this Latter Day! —MLN
- Cover: “My soul, wait thou only upon God.” Psalm 62:5
- The Joys of Being a Faithful Christian Pastor I Timothy 1:12 —RJL
- How Does the Principle of Sola Scriptura Determine What Is Proper Bible Interpretation? II Peter 1:20 —DTM
- A Reformation Prayer. Psalm 46:1 —DGR
- For the information of our readers…Faith Ev. Lutheran Church of Stover, Missouri Dissolved —RJL
- OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Holy Scripture Evangelical Lutheran Church severs fellowship —RJL
- Obedience to the Pastor as Commanded by Scripture……contrasted with the Obedience Required by the Pope. Hebrews 13:17 —PEB
- The Proper Biblical Relationship between Employers and Employees. Ephesians 6:5, 7, 9 —RAM
- Cover: “Endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit.” Eph 4:3
- The President’s Column: What the President of a Church Body Is NOT to Be and IS to Be! Romans 12:9 —RJL
- OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Articles of Merger with the Fellowship of Lutheran Congregations —DTM
- Reaffirmation of our Scriptural Position on the Modern Social Dance. —Ed.
- The Marks of True Christian Unity. I Corinthians 1:10 —DTM
- Convention Digest MOTTO: “By the grace of God I am what I am.” —DTM
- Introducing…Trinity Oak Park, Illinois —RJL
- Cover: Judge Righteous judgment. John 7:24
- The President’s Column: Matthew 7:1 —ERS
- The Christian’s Obligation to Reprove Sin. Ephesians 5:11 —PEB
- The Duty of Every Christian: To Try the Spirits!. I John 4:1 —EJW
- The Judgment of Civil Governments. Romans 13:3-4 —DTM
- Prayer for Civil Authorities—TLH page 104
- The Exercise of Parental Judgment in Bringing Up Children as God Enjoins. Eph. 6:4 —MLN
- The Day of Judgment I John 2:28 —RAM
- Cover: “Now is Christ risen from the dead!” I Corinthians 15:20
- Objective Justification in Jesus’ Prayer from the Cross Luke 23:34 —RJL
- The Savior’s Assurance of Salvation to a Dying Believer Luke 23:43 —DTM
- Important Doctrinal and Practical Lessons Manifest in Jesus’ Last Word on the Cross Luke 23:4 —MWD
- The Significance of the Events in Luke 23:44-45 —PEB
- The Forty Days between Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension. —RAM
- The Sign of the Times: Contemporary “Christian” Music?, “Unity” at any cost?, “Ubuntu”? – MLN
- Cover: “I am the Light of the World” John 8:12
- The President’s Column: Psalm 42:11 —ERS
- An Exhortation to Our Catechumens Luke 2:47 and 52 —DTM
- Christ’s First Miracle John 2:11—DGR
- How Jesus Christ is the Light of the World John 8:12 — PEB
- Are We to Expect New Revelations Beyond Holy Scripture? Hebrews 1:1-2 —RJL
- The Signs of the Times: Contra Islam. John 17:3, God’s Promise. Genesis 9:16 —MLN
- Cover: “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.” Titus 2:11
- The President’s Column: “Oh, Come, Oh, Come, Emmanuel” (TLH 62) —ERS
- Isaiah‘s Christmas Prophecy Fulfilled. Isaiah 7:14 —RJL
- A Christmas Meditation. Galatians 4:4-5 —MLN
- The Angels’ Christmas Song of Praise. Luke 2:14 —PEB
- Forget Not All His Benefits” Psalm 103:1-5 —DGR
- False Teachers Endeavor to STEAL from Us the Blessings of Christmas! Isaiah 9:6 —DTM
- Announcement: Colloquy of Pastor Nimi Fyneface. —ERS
- Cover:“Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Jude 3
- The President’s Column. Re. What the reformation delivered us from. John 8:31-32 —ERS
- A Reformation Prayer of Thanksgiving. Psalm 55:22 —RJL
- Sola Scriptura in 2003? II Timothy 1:13 —DTM
- Installation at St. Mark’s. Philippians 4:4 —RJL
- A Bible Study Outline: The Active and Passive Obedience of Christ. —PEB
- Our Scriptural Right and Duty Restored by the Reformation: To Examine Doctrine. I John 4:1 —EJW
- A Brief Biography of Martin Chemnitz: “The Second Martin” Jude 3 —RSK
- A Reformation Prayer for Missionary Zeal Among Us. —RAM
- A Prayer of Intercession for Students to Study to Become Orthodox Lutheran Pastors. —DGR
- The Sign of the Times: Re. Marriage and homosexual marriage. —MLN
- Cover: “Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind .” Romans 12:2
- The President’s Column: I Timothy 3:1 —ERS
- The Great Danger Worldliness Presents in our Congregations and in the Lives of Individual Christians.—EJW
- Convention Digest. —DTM
- The Sign of the Times. Abuse of things allowed:alcohol —MLN
- Cover: “…in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Mathew 28:19
- The President’s Column: “Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Eph. 4:3 —ERS
- Why the Doctrine of the Trinity Is Fundamental to Salvation. Athanasian Creed. —EJW
- “Draw Us to Thee!” John 14:2b —DGR
- Christ’s Session at the Right Hand of the Father. Ephesians 1:20 —RAM
- Joint Fellowship Service: Peace, St. Mark’s and Trinity congregations. —DTM
- The Spiritual Harvest of Pentecost— Evidence of the Power of God’s Word. Acts 2:11 —MWD
- Report on our Seminary.—RJL
- Around the World: Re. Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod prayer fellowship controversy. —MLN
- “Synodolatry ” —PEK
- Cover: “The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6
- The President’s Column: “Jesus, I will ponder now, on Thy holy Passion.” —TLH 140, 1 —ERS
- Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled in Our Savior’s Passion. Matthew 26:56 —DGR
- The God-Man Jesus Christ in His Gethsemane Prayer. Mathew 26:39 —DTM
- The Comfort of Christ’s Vicarious Satisfaction Is Intended for All Sinners. Isaiah 53:5 —EJW
- Why Not ONE CUP In Holy Communion? Mark 14:23 —DTM
- Christ’s Descent into Hell. I Peter 3:18-19 —RAM
- Christ’s Resurrection: Its Importance and Comfort. I Corinthians 15:17-18 —RJL
- Around the World: Re. Netherlands Lutherans ordain woman. —MLN
- Cover: “Arise, shine, for thy Light is come!” Isaiah 60:1
- The President’s Column. “Here am I; send me.” Isaiah 6:8 —ERS
- The Newborn Savior’s Appearance to the Wise Men. Isaiah 60: 3-6 —DGR
- Christ Manifested as our DIVINE PROPHET in His Epiphany. John 1:18 —DTM
- The Significance of Christ’s Transfiguration. II Peter 1:16-18 —EJW
- Report on our Seminary. —RJL
- The Savior’s Epiphany in our Mission Work. Acts 1:8 —RAM
- News from Our Russian Brethren. —Ed.
- Around the World: “Prayer Is No Longer An Act of Worship In The LCMS” —MLN
- Cover: “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” John 1:14
- The President’s Column: “And on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:14 —ERS
- Dedication at Good Shepherd, Tucson. —Ed.
- Remembering Luther’s Birth. Psalm 103:2 —DGR
- A Truly Christian Thanksgiving. I Thessalonians 5:18 —MWD
- The Threefold Significance of Advent. Psalm 24:7 —EJW
- Christmas: The Feast of God the Father. II Corinthians 9:15 —RJL
- “Grant Us Now a Glad New Year” Ephesians 5:16 —RAM
- Savoring by Faith the PEACE and JOY of Christmas. —DTM
- Cover:“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
- The President’s Column. Jude 3 —ERS
- The Source and Norm of Lutheran Theology. II Timothy 1:13 —DTM
- Important Dates in Luther’s Life. —DTM
- Justification by Grace through Faith. Ephesians 2:8 —RJL
- Installation at St. Luke’s, Seattle. —EJW
- A Fellowship Celebration: Peace, St. Mark’s and Trinity Congregations. Psalm 133:1 —DTM
- Would Luther Recognize the “Lutheran” Church Today? —RAM
- Now that the kids are back in school… Ephesians 6:4 —DTM
- Around the World: Re. ELS Convention. —MLN
- Cover:“In Thy presence is fulness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Psalm 16:11
- The President’s Column: Re. New elected Conference officers. —ERS
- In Memoriam… Pastor Paul R. Bloedel. DTM
- Official Announcement: Announce the interim appointment of Pastors Robert J. Lietz and David T. Mensing to fill the fifth year chair as co-instructors in our Concordia Theological Seminary. —MWD
- Convention Digest. —DTM
- From Our Brethren in Russia. —DTM
- A Fifty Year Milestone at Lebanon, Oregon —Ed.
- Around the World: Re. False evangelist. —MLN
- A Brief Note about Our Cover Text… —RJL
- Cover: “Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof.” I Peter 5:2a
- The President’s Column. Re. The Pastoral office. —MLN
- Official Notice: Fellowship declaration of Mighty Fortress Orthodox Evangelical Lutheran Church. —MLN
- The Qualifications of the Ministry. I Timothy 3:1-7 —RJL
- The God-Required Obedience to the Pastor. —EJW
- The Pastor as Shepherd and Example. I Peter 5:1-4 —DGR
- Marriage and the Ministry. —RAM
- The Myth of the Papacy. Matthew 16:18-19 —DTM
- Around the World: Re. Muslim growth in America. —MLN
- Cover: “Surely he hath borne our griefs. And carried our sorrows.” Isaiah 53:4
- The President’s Column: False claim on the resurrection. —MLN
- Judas Iscariot-The Betrayer.—PRB
- Simon Peter-The Denier Turned Penitent. —DTM
- Caiaphas-The Haughty High Priest. —RAM
- Joseph of Arimathea-The Rich but Faithful One. DGR
- Cover: “If any man be in Christ, he is a new Creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are be come new.” II Corinthians 5:17
- The President’s Column: re. Mark 8. —MLN
- Luther’s Funeral Service. —MLN?
- Doctrinal Essay: The Work of the Holy Ghost in View of the 50th Anniversary of our Conference. (Part 2 of 2) —PRB
- Around the World: Re. Current trends in network TV; Re. Spoiled kids. —MLN
- Cover: “For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son.” John 3:16
- The President’s Column: Re. The attributes of God. —MLN
- Historical Essay: “The formation of the Orthodox Lutheran Conference, 1951” Part III —DTM
- Thanksgiving. Luke 17:11-19 —RAM
- The Unwitting Role of Civil Government in the Fulfillment of Divine Prophecy. Luke 2:1-5 —DTM
- Around the World: Re. Heavy Metal rock groups; Re. ELCA church ordains homosexual female pastor; Re. Global warming. —MLN
- Cover: “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.” Romans 8:16
- The President’s Column: Re. Luther and Zwingli. —MLN
- Historical Essay: “The formation of the Orthodox Lutheran Conference, 1951” Part II —DTM
- Doctrinal Essay: The Work of the Holy Ghost in View of the 50th Anniversary of Our Conference. (Part 1 of 2) —PRB
- Cover: “And take… the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” Ephesians 6:17
- The President’s Column: Re. St Michaels’s and All Angels’ Day. —MLN
- Convention Digest. —DTM
- Historical Essay: “The Formation of the Orthodox Lutheran Conference, 1951” Part I—DTM
- Around the World: Re. Divorce; Re. Abuses by yoga instructor. —MLN
- Cover: “Hold fast the form of sound words” II Timothy 1:13
- The President’s Column: Re. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. —MLN
- The Fuzzy Thinking of the Consecrationists. —PRB
- Ordination is not a Sacrament or a Divine Institution. —RAM
- Our Quia Subscription to the Lutheran Confessions. —DTM
- The Pastor’s Work is Full Time for Your Sakes, Not Part Time. —MWD
- Around the World: Re. The Baptist compromise doctrine for unity. —MLN
- Cover: “For these things were done, that the Scriptures should be fulfilled.” John 19:36
- The President’s Column: Re. Various types of sins against the sixth commandment. —MLN
- God Smites the Shepherd and the Flock is Scattered. Zechariah 13:7 and Matthew 26:31 —PRB
- “He was numbered with the transgressors.” Isaiah 53:12 —DTM
- “They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.” Psalm 22:18 —DGR
- “They shall look on Him whom they pierced.” —RAM
- “Thou Wilt Not Leave My Soul in Hell.” Psalm 16:10, Acts 2:27:31. —ERS
- Cover: “By the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.” Romans 5:18
- The President’s Column: Re. Another year of grace. —MLN
- What is Objective Justification? —PRB
- What is Subjective Justification? Romans 5:1 —DTM
- What is Justification by Works? —RAM
- Pessimism. —MLN
- Around the World: Vatican Official Explains Consecration to Mary. —MLN
- Cover: “ They shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” Matthew 1:23
- The President’s Column. Re. Giving thanks. —MLN
- Eschatology By August Graebner, Theological Quarterly article, April 1902. Part 2 of 2
- Isaiah 7:14 — A “Rectilinear” Prophecy of Christ’s Virgin Birth —DTM
- The Grace of God has Appeared in the Babe of Bethlehem. Titus 2:11 —PRB
- Around the World: Re. Anarchist; Celebration?? Re. Woman Ordination; Re. Archeological evidence of the Flood —MLN
- Cover: “For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10
- The President’s Column: Our Conference Pastors speak the same thing. —MLN
- The Reformation Also Exposed the Errors of the Reformed. —RAM
- Historical Essay: “The Official Establishment of Heterodoxy in the Missouri Synod, 1950” —DTM
- Eschatology. By August Graebner, Theological Quarterly article, April 1902. Part 1 of 2
- Around the World: Re. The Devil’s work in organized religion; Re. Credit cards and debt. —MLN
- Cover: “Except a man be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot entire into the kingdom of God”. John 3:5
- The President’s Column. Re. Church attendance. —ERS
- Convention Digest. —DTM
- Historical Essay: “The Official Establishment of Heterodoxy in the Missouri Synod, 1950” —DTM
- Around the World: Re. The Ice Age and false science. —MLN
- Cover: “Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Matthew 28:19
- The President’s Column: Re. The Psalms, the prayer book of Christians. —MLN
- The Anti-Trinitarian Mormonism. —MLN
- The Jewish Re<
- Cover:”He is despised an rejected of men; a man of sorrow, and acquainted with grief”. Isaiah 53:3a
- The President’s Column. Lenten theme. —MLN
- Christ Enters Jerusalem as a Lowly King. —RAM
- Christ Cleanses The Temple. Matt. 21:12-13 —DGR
- The Last Passover and the First Lord’s Supper. I Corinthians 5:7b —DTM
- The Blessed Easter Tidings: Christ is Risen! —MLN
- Around the World. Re. Marriage & Family —MLN
- Cover: “and we beheld his glory; the glory as of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14b
- The President’s Column: Re. Temptations to good and temptations to evil. —MLN
- Being About the Father’s Business. —RAM
- “We have a More Sure Word of Prophecy” II Peter 1:16-21 —DTM
- Has the Reading of Scripture Become “A Lost Art”? I Timothy 4:13 —ERS
- Around the World: Re. ELCA approves unity with Episcopal church; Re. Assisted suicide. —MLN