A Prayer for the Ministers of the Word

Dearest Lord Jesus, our divine Savior and Helper, thou hast established in thy Church the office of the holy ministry so that Thy Word may be preached and the Sacraments administered for the salvation of immortal souls. We pray thee, grant thy faithful ministers wisdom and strength from above for success in their holy calling. Make them fearless witnesses of Thy truth, instant in season and out of season. Keep them from error in their teaching and in their life. Make them strong in admonition, fervent in preaching, patient toward the weak, helpful toward the distressed, loving toward the erring, earnestly striving to walk in the way of Thy commandments, to place a good example before all men. May Thy Church through their work be established far and wide here on earth. Give to the members of our congregations grace that we may honor our Pastors, support them with prayers and financial support, and gladly accept the divine Word preached to us. Keep them and us faithful unto death and in the end the crown of life. In Thy name we ask it. Amen.

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