Christmas Week – Sunday
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Daily Devotion
Sunday After Christmas Week
– Sunday –
And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the Child, His name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before He was conceived in the womb.
– Luke 2:21.
All mankind is conceived and born in sin, and consequently under the wrath of God and lost forever, unless saved and cleansed by the blood of Christ. Through circumcision, instituted by God in the Old Testament at the time of Abraham, the Lord graciously imparted the saving and cleansing power of the blood of Christ which was to be shed in the fullness of time. Herewith the believers in the Old Covenant were to comfort themselves always, and thus to become and remain partakers of such grace. Thus circumcision in the Old Testament was very similar to what Holy Baptism is for us today. When the Christ-Child was eight days old, He was circumcised in accordance with the ceremonial laws that God had given His people. Now it should be understood that Christ was without any sin of His own; and, as God Himself, He was above the Law. However, in order to save us from our sins, He was made to be under the Law for us. As the Substitute for mankind and as a pledge that He would surely redeem the whole world from all its sins through His blood, the Christ-Child was circumcised. For that reason He received the name “JESUS” when He was circumcised, in accordance with the instruction given by the angel messengers that were sent both to Mary and Joseph. The name “Jesus” means “Savior.” To this Child, to this Redeemer and Savior, we must look in life and death. Then we shall be His own and partakers of His salvation.
PRAYER. – Lord Jesus, Thou hast borne the sins of the whole world, and, therefore, also all my sins. With Thy blood Thou hast blotted out all my transgressions. Thou art my Redeemer, my Savior, my Jesus. Write, I beg Thee, Thy name, JESUS, on the tablet of my heart, that it may forever glow and glisten there – in life and in death. Amen.
Jesus! Name of wondrous love,
Name all other names above,
Unto which must ev’ry knee
Bow in deep humility.
Jesus! Name decreed of old,
To the maiden mother told,
Kneeling in her lowly cell,
By the angel Gabriel.
Jesus! Name of priceless worth
To the fallen sons of earth
For the promise that it gave,
“Jesus shall His people save.”
Jesus! Name of mercy mild,
Given to the holy Child
When the cup of human woe
First He tasted here below.
Jesus! Only Name that’s given
Under all the mighty heaven
Whereby man, to sin enslaved,
Bursts his fetters and is saved.
Jesus! Name of wondrous love,
Human name of God above;
Pleading only this, we flee,
Helpless, O our God, to Thee.
Hymn 114.
Epistle: Galatians 4:1-7
Gospel: Luke 2:33-40
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