8 Trinity – Week

This page of devotions can be helpful for individuals in planning your schedule for the week or used as an easy way of reviewing past day devotions. Heads of the household may find that by pre-reading materials for the week before family devotion time they will be better able to lead any family discussions.


Devotions for the

Week of the Eighth Sunday After Trinity

07/26/2015 – 08/01/2015


SundayMonday –  Tuesday –  Wednesday

ThursdayFriday –  Saturday




It is suggested that the weekly readings in the Psalms be shared in the family circle when possible, each family member having their own bible available,sharing in the reading and following along.

Selected Psalms to be read for this week.

Psalms: 48, 31, 34, 70, 75, 1, 140, 119, 15, 16


For smartphone users the link below may be of benefit.

Read the book of Psalms here.




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