From our cherished past…


April 8, 1964

Re: Brotherly Cooperation in Our Conference Work

In connection with the C. L. U. report, with overtures being made to other Lutherans, and in connection with plans for the annual convention, we reminded one another that internal strife frequently within our own midst during the past 12 years had often hindered progress in these and other areas of the Lord’s work. Therefore, the brethren believed it of urgent importance at this time mutually to reaffirm their earnest intention as Christians to strive against any concession to this particular sin of the flesh in the future.

It was therefore resolved that

“Whenever there seems to be a disagreement, either with official procedures or personally between brethren, we urge that the following guidelines be observed among us, in the fear and love of God, to help us in a practical way to attain this goal more perfectly:

  1. Begin with brotherly questions for further information, rather than with a statement of disagreement.
  1. Where disagreement is plainly evident, do not press for an immediate settlement, but allow time for quiet and sufficient consideration.
  1. Strive to be as objective or impersonal as possible, both in presenting and receiving each other’s views.
  1. Keep all unpleasant matters as private as possible, according to God’s Word, striving not to let others become involved unless necessary.
  1. In love toward our Lord and one another, follow the order mutually agreed upon among us, the highest law, of course, ever being our Savior’s Law of Christian Love.”

The above resolution was adopted unanimously by the Board, and all joined in the singing of the Common Doxology. (Present were: Pastors E. L. Mehlberg, A. J. Cordes, O. W. Schaefer, and H. David Mensing; Mr. Lloyd D. Martin, Board Member-at-Large; Mr. David T. Mensing and Mr. E. Bloedel.)

These same guidelines were adopted again in a resolution of concurrence by the 22nd Annual Convention of the CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CONFERENCE, Wilmot, SD, June 22-24, 1973, as reported in the official Proceedings, pp. 44 and 45.