Collect for the Eighth Sunday After Trinity (False Prophet Sunday)
Blessed art Thou, O Lord, our God, for Thine unfathomable mercy and grace to us in providing to the congregations of our precious fellowship diligent and faithful pastors or undershepherds of Thy local flocks. Preserve them in purity of doctrine and faithfulness in their practice, that they may preach and teach nothing contrary to or in compromise of the Holy Scriptures. Keep them steadfast and unmoveable on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, granting them courage to turn from it neither to the right hand nor to the left, and thus never to become guilty of causing divisions and offenses contrary to Thy precious Truth and thereby deceiving the hearts of the simple. Grant that, by Thy grace alone, they hold to no other source and standard for Christian doctrine and practice than the infallible, clear, all-sufficient and authoritative norm of Holy Scripture, that Thy precious Name may continue to be hallowed among us in the years to come by the faithful preaching, teaching and practice of Thy pure Word to the praise of Thy grace and to the salvation of our souls, all for the sake of Jesus.