Prayer for our Seminary and our Students

Merciful heavenly Father for Jesus’ sake, because our need for future pastors is presently so critical among us that, if Thou shouldest call even one of Thy faithful ambassadors home to his eternal rest, no one is prepared to take his place, we humbly beseech Thee to spare us from the “famine of hearing the words of the Lord” of which Thou hast amply warned us through Thy prophet Amos (8:11-12).  Thou hast already moved by Thy grace the hearts of three of our dear brethren with the earnest desire to become trained in our Seminary program for labor in Thy vineyard and one day to serve Thee in the Pastoral Office.  Now we beseech Thee to move also OUR hearts by the love of our precious Savior to “redeem the time” in these last evil days with respect to the training of future pastors.  Cause us to remember the seminary program of our beloved Conference in our daily prayers, to intercede on behalf of our professors and our students regarding their health, well-being, stamina and zeal, to encourage them in their work by word and deed, and to share generously of our substance to support them financially.  Let not fleshly complacency on our part cause the opportunity and challenge which Thou hast graciously laid before us to be squandered and lost due to hesitancy to “perform the doing of it;” for Thou art able to make all grace abound toward us, that we, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound, as the fruit of our faith, to this, yea, to every good work, to Thy glory.  Graciously move also other young men to desire the Pastoral Office; and grant that Thy precious Name may continue to be hallowed among us and among our children in the faithful preaching, teaching, and practice of Thy pure Word to the salvation of our souls.  Hear us, for Thy great mercy’s sake!
