17 Trinity – Saturday
This weeks devotions: Sunday – Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday – Friday
Daily Devotional Materials
Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
– Saturday –
Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God – Matthew 5:9.
The most frightful and insane war imaginable is that which, in consequence of sin, the creature has declared against God, its Creator. Death immediately followed upon the first transgression. But God, out of great mercy, made peace through Christ Jesus. And God proclaims this peace through His Word and His Holy Spirit. They who accept this gracious peace by faith are the children of peace and of God. To them the Holy Ghost says: “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men” (Romans 12:18). Children of God should always be ready to listen to this. According to their new man, they endeavor always to live at peace with all men. Of course, there are always two parties to a quarrel. But Christians should resist the temptation to participate in a quarrel, even though others may try to start one with them. They are, furthermore, to endeavor to make peace when they see others quarrel. We Christians, however, must not seek to have and maintain a hollow peace, by hiding our faith or allowing ourselves to be drawn away from the principles that God has set forth in the Scriptures. May the Lord keep us from denying Him before others in an attempt to have peace with the enemies of the truth! But where only human beings and human rights are concerned, Christians should certainly be ready to make peace. “Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God.” Thus says the Savior. By their peacefulness they testify to the fact that they are the children of God, the God of peace. And on the day of judgment it will become evident before all men that the peaceable disposition which they showed here on earth is evidence that they are the children of God.
PRAYER. – Gracious God, who hast given that peace which comprises all blessedness, to me, a sinner and rebellious creature, grant that this knowledge may make me peaceable such as Thou wouldest have me to be. Give to me Thy Holy Spirit, that I may always bear in mind that I am Thy child through Jesus Christ, my Savior. Amen.
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