15 Trinity – Friday
This weeks devotions: Sunday – Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday
Daily Devotional Materials
Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
– Friday –
For we, being many, are one bread and one body; for we are all partakers of that one bread.
– I Corinthians 10:17.
Since the Lord’s Supper so greatly enhances our assurance of the forgiveness of our sins through our Lord Jesus Christ, it also greatly strengthens us to lead a holy life. For a godly life proceeds only from the firm assurance that by the grace of God we have received the adoption of sons. And the stronger this faith is, the greater strength we shall receive to lead a holy life. By partaking of the Lord’s Supper with our brethren we testify of our unity in Christ. If we firmly believe this, should this not effect how we live our lives? Shall we not then live with our Christian brethren in love and union, and thus demonstrate our oneness in the faith? He who is our Head also gives us, His members, divine strength to lead a holy life; and He does this through His Holy Supper. A foremost characteristic of a godly life is brotherly love which Christians should show each other. This is strengthened through the Lord’s Supper. For if we commune together, we become ever more convinced that, though being many, we are one body in Christ; for we are all partakers of that one bread, of the one body of Christ. What is natural kinship as compared with this spiritual and heavenly kinship? And what is natural love as compared with this spiritual love? The fellowship of the Lord’s Supper, which we Christians have among and with one another is a testimony that, though many, we are one body, that is to say, that through one common faith we are most intimately joined with Christ, and through Christ with one another. Therefore we should eagerly maintain fellowship with those who confess the true faith with us; which fellowship, however, we do not have with those who hold to false doctrine.
PRAYER. – I thank Thee, Lord God Almighty, for the wondrous gift which Thou dost bestow upon me in the Holy Supper. And I beg Thy mercy that Thou wouldest cause it to strengthen my faith toward Thee, to make me abound more and more in true holiness and in fervent love toward my neighbor, and especially my brethren; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen.
Bible Reading
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
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