Given for you. Shed for you. For the remission of sins. — Luke 22:19, 20 and Matthew 26:28. If in true faith we partake of the Lord’s Supper, we receive forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. This is most certainly true. But …
Given for you. Shed for you. For the remission of sins. — Luke 22:19, 20 and Matthew 26:28. If in true faith we partake of the Lord’s Supper, we receive forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. This is most certainly true. But …
For we, being many, are one bread and one body; for we are all partakers of that one bread. – I Corinthians 10:17. Since the Lord’s Supper so greatly enhances our assurance of the forgiveness of our sins through our Lord Jesus …
Given for you. Shed for you. For the remission of sins. — Luke 22:19, 20 and Matthew 26:28. It has already been briefly stated in last Saturday’s lesson what blessed benefit is offered us through the Lord’s Supper, and that we may …
I have received of the Lord that which also I have delivered unto you. — I Corinthians 11:23. Thus St. Paul speaks of the instructions he received with regard to the Lord’s Supper. The Holy Supper is the Lord’s Supper in reality …
Take eat… drink ye all of it – Matthew 26:26-27. The Lord’s Supper is the true body and the true blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, under the bread and wine, for us Christians to eat and to drink, instituted …
The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? — I Corinthians 10:16. It may seem disagreeable to speak …
This is My body…This is My blood. – Matthew 26:26, 28. God in His Word has revealed to us the things that are necessary for our salvation. If we do not rest upon this Word alone and completely, but permit …
The Lord’s Supper. – I Corinthians 11:20. Concerning the Lord’s Supper the holy Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and St. Paul the Apostle write thus: “Our Lord Jesus Christ, the same night in which He was betrayed, took bread; and when …
Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord. – Lamentations 3:40. Observe a dear little child when he has done something wrong—how he comes to his father or to his mother and begs forgiveness. Or …
I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. – Psalm 32:5. What sins should we confess? Before God we should plead guilty of all sins, even of those which we do …