Second Sunday in Advent – Sunday
This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven. – Acts 1:11.
Thus spoke the two heavenly messengers to the apostles while they looked steadfastly toward Jesus as He went up into heaven. That same Jesus who – visibly before the eyes of the apostles – ascended into heaven, shall one day come again from heaven, visibly, with great power and glory, and all His holy angels with Him. And then shall He judge the quick (living) and the dead. And then He shall establish that eternal and glorious Kingdom of God unto which God has created us in the beginning, saved us through Christ, and sanctified us through the Holy Ghost, working through His Word.
The scorners always scoff at Him. He shall come and put them to silence. And He shall satisfy the eager desire of His children. For those, too, who expired with Jacob’s dying prayer on their lips: “I have waited for Thy salvation, O Lord!” (Genesis 49:18) – shall He come, and fill their mouth with laughter and their tongue with singing. Thus God shall from all evil, forever, make us free from sin and from the devil, and from all adversity, from sickness, pain, and sadness, from troubles, cares, and fears, and grant us heavenly gladness, and wipe away our tears. – Dear Christian, wrap yourself entirely in His merits, His righteousness by faith, and always remain a sheep of His fold, so that when He, who is your Salvation, shall come, it may be to bring you to eternal salvation.
PRAYER. – O my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I thank Thee most heartily that Thou dost remind me of Thy coming in glory, and I pray that Thou wouldst teach me to be ready for it at all times. Grant that I may be greatly comforted by the knowledge of Thy coming on the Last Day; and may Thy Holy Spirit move me, through Thy Word, to live in Thy fear, in true faith, and with a good conscience, so that I may, with a joyful heart and watchful eye, await Thy glorious coming: Thou who livest and reignest and wilt soon come to judge the world in righteousness according to the Scriptures. Amen.
He comes to judge the nations,
A terror to His foes,
A light of consolations
And blessed Hope to those
Who love the Lord’s appearing.
O glorious Sun, now come,
Send forth Thy beams most cheering,
And guide us safely home!
Hymn 58, 9.