Eleventh Sunday after Trinity – Thursday

Thy kingdom come! – Matthew 6:10.

Not the Kingdom of Power is meant, for that comprises all creatures in heaven, earth, and hell. The Kingdom of Grace is meant, and the Kingdom of Glory.  That the confines of the Kingdom of Grace may include us, too, that the glory of the Kingdom of Glory may adorn and bless us also; this is what we pray in this Second Petition.

This should be our greatest concern and our most earnest prayer, that, while we live in this world, we may belong to the Zion of God, to the flock of Christ, to the one holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, to the true Christendom, which He, who once was crowned with thorns, but now is crowned with glory, rules with His grace, with His Word of Grace, and the citizens of which are made most willing by the Holy Ghost, working through His Word, to kiss His scepter; and we pray that when our earthly life is ended, the angels will carry us where we shall see our Savior’s glory and partake of it, and where we shall bask in continuous and unending glory.

This will is done when our heavenly Father gives us, as a great gift, His Holy Spirit, working through His Word, so that, by His grace, we believe His holy Word, and lead a Godly life, here in time and hereafter in eternity.  We also pray that the Holy Ghost, ever working through His Word, may dwell within us constantly, that we may abide steadfast in the true faith and in a holy life, in the fear and love of God, until we shall reach the goal, where all the blessed perfections of eternity will adorn and surround us, and be our portion and possession within and without.  But we also pray that the Kingdom of Grace may be spread more and more here on earth, and that ever more souls may partake of the blessings of the Kingdom of Glory, and that it may appear soon; yes, soon, by God’s marvelous grace in Christ Jesus.

PRAYER – Lord God, dear heavenly Father, I beg Thee, continue to keep me in the Kingdom of Grace of Thy dear Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, through faith in Him, and finally receive me into His blessed Kingdom of Glory.  Bring also the wayward, the unbelieving, the captives of Satan to the knowledge of true faith in Christ, complete the number of Thy elect, and let the Kingdom of Glory dawn soon for Jesus’ sake.  Amen.


Thy kingdom come; Thine let it be,

in time and in eternity!

Let Thy good Spirit e’er be nigh,

our hearts with graces to supply.

Break Satan’s pow’r, defeat his rage;

preserve Thy Church from age to age.

Amen, that is, so shall it be!

Confirm our faith and hope in Thee,

that we may doubt not, but believe,

what here we ask, we shall receive.

Thus in Thy name and at Thy Word,

we say: Amen.  Oh, hear us, Lord!

(Hymn 458, st. 3 and 9; TLH)

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