Eleventh Sunday after Trinity – Tuesday

Our Father who art in heaven. – Matthew 6:9.

The Lord’s Prayer is the best prayer there is, for it has been taught us by Jesus Himself.  And Christ instructs us to address God by the name “Father:” “Our Father who art in heaven.”  And what Jesus teaches, God teaches.  And, God would by these words tenderly invite us to believe that He is our true Father, and that we are His true children, so that we may with all boldness and confidence ask Him as dear children ask their dear father.  “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God [the children of God] (1 John 3:1)!

The Father did this through Jesus Christ and for the sake of Jesus Christ, who is our Atoner.  And He has given us poor sinners His Holy Spirit, who draws us to Him through His Word of grace and truth.  And, we have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, as though we were still under the Law that damns us, but we “have received the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry: ‘Abba, Father’” (Romans 8:15)!

Now, what more do you want, or what more do you wait for, seeing that the most holy God Himself, the entire blessed Trinity, is so lovingly condescending to you, inviting and entreating you to pray?  God desires to be your dear Father, and you are to be His dear child, and you are to rely on Him and ask Him for all things.  Now, do not hesitate! Take freely!  Be not timid!  God knows that you are a sinner.  And still He would have you call Him “Father.”  So, then, show yourself to be His child!  And if you lack many a thing that a child of God ought to have, then do not stand back shyly on that account, but hasten to your heavenly Father, and ask Him to give it to you “according to His will” (I John 5:14).  With your own power, to be sure, you can never acquire it, but He will give it according to His good, merciful, and wise will.

PRAYER – O God, how gracious Thou art!  Thou art my dear Father, and I am Thy dear child. And with all boldness and confidence I am to ask Thee for “everything” (Philippians 4:6).  So, here I am, O Lord!  Always encourage me again and again, dear Lord, that I may ask Thee for every truly good thing in the name of Jesus Christ.  Keep drawing me into Thy Fatherly embrace through Thy Holy Ghost, working through Thy unchanging words and promises!  Amen.


Our Father, Thou in heav’n above;

who biddest us to dwell in love,

as brethren of one family;

to cry in ev’ry need to Thee;

teach us no thoughtless words to say,

but from our inmost heart to pray.

Amen, that is, so shall it be.

Confirm our faith and hope in Thee;

that we may doubt not, but believe,

what here we ask, we shall receive.

Thus in Thy name and at Thy Word,

we say: Amen. Oh, hear us Lord!

(Hymn 458, st. 1 and 9; TLH)

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