Fourth Sunday after Trinity – Tuesday

He shall give His angels charge over thee. Psalm 91:11.

It is not to be disbelieved that, besides man, God has also created other rational and personal beings, who do not dwell in bodies on the earth. Scripture tells us that God has created angels. They are “spirits” (Hebrews 1:14), and, as such, they have no physical bodies (Luke 24:39). God created these spirits in the beginning. He created vast numbers of them. Tomorrow we shall hear that, though created holy, not all of them remained thus. Today we shall hear only of the good angels.

They are without sin, “holy angels” (Matthew 25:31); they forever behold God’s face (Matthew 18:10) and cannot die (Luke 20:36). They excel in strength, and praise God, and, as ministers of His, they do His pleasure and carry out His commandments (Psalm 103:20-21). And, O yes, God has given them charge over us, God’s children, to keep us in all our ways (Psalm 91:11-12).

What grand and beautiful stories does Holy Writ tell about angels who assumed visible shape and form, and did God’s commandments on earth, and served men and guarded them. Will you read II Kings 19:35 ? The last service that they render us on earth is when they bear our souls up to heaven (Luke 16:22). But on the Last Day they will have much to do with men, for they will be sent by God to gather the people and divide the believers from the unbelievers (Matthew 13:41; Mark 13:27). And then we Christians shall join the angels in heaven and share in their blessed communion with God eternally. How gracious God is toward us for Jesus’ sake!

PRAYER – Almighty, eternal, merciful God, Who, out of wondrous mercy, didst ordain the angels to watch over us as Thy ministering spirits, continue to grant me Thy marvelous grace, I beg Thee, that I may continue to remain under their protection till I join with them in heavenly bliss and glory for all eternity, through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen.


Lord God, we all to Thee give praise;

thanksgivings meet to Thee we raise;

that angel hosts Thou didst create,

around Thy glorious throne to wait.

They shine with light and heav’nly grace,

and constantly behold Thy face;

they heed Thy voice, they know it well,

in Godly wisdom they excel.

But watchful is the angel band,

that follows Christ on every hand;

to guard His people where they go,

and break the counsel of the foe.

                      (Hymn 254, st. 1-2 and 7; TLH)

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