Third Sunday after Trinity – Thursday
Sin is the transgression of the Law. – I John 3:4.
What, properly speaking, is sin? “Sin is the transgression of the Law,” says our text. The divine Law tells us what is right. Sin is every transgression of the divine Law, every departure from its rules and precepts, each and every failure to do whatsoever it demands of us, each and everything that is done contrary or in opposition to it.
Mark that well, Christian: Sin is every departure from the rule of the divine Law. Since God, the holy God, has told us in His Law how we should be, and what we must do and must not do, every transgression of that Law must be wrong, wickedness, error, sin. Men sometimes speak of sins that are great and of sins that are trifling, and are not so strict in avoiding the latter. This is contrary to the Scriptures. Everything, without exception, that is against God’s Law is wrong, is sin, is ungodly, is impious. But if any one claims something to be a sin which is not forbidden in the Law of God, do not listen to him. Only that is sin which is contrary to God’s Law, and nothing else. No one has a right to bind our conscience with man-made laws. But you will find plenty of sin, many departures from the rule of the divine Law, if you will but examine yourself.
Take these sins to Christ, for His blood cleanses you from them all. Strive against them valiantly in the power of the Holy Ghost, working through the Gospel.
PRAYER – Lord Jesus Christ, I know that I cannot stand, without shame, before Thy divine Law. I am not as I should be; I fail to do what I should; I do not always refrain from those things which Thou hast forbidden in Thy Law. Continue to free and rid me, I beg Thee, from the load of my sin, and declare to Thy Father that Thou hast graciously rendered satisfaction for me. But also continue to grant me holy courage and endue me with the strength of Thy Spirit, working through Thy Gospel, that I may earnestly and successfully resist sin and serve Thee in accordance with Thy Law. Amen.
I lay my sins on Jesus, the spotless Lamb of God; He bears them all and frees us, from the accursed load. I bring my guilt to Jesus, to wash my crimson stains; white in His blood most precious, till not a spot remains.
I long to be like Jesus, meek, loving, lowly, mild; I long to be like Jesus, the Father’s holy Child. I long to be with Jesus, amid the heav’nly throng; to sing with saints His praises, to learn the angels’ song.
(Hymn 652, st. 1 and 4; TLH)
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