Second Sunday after Easter – Saturday
That through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. —Hebrews 2:14.
For this purpose Christ came. And He really accomplished that purpose. He has delivered us from the power of the devil. Scripture says so, and such is our firm belief. And it is most certainly true. But what about this purpose? Are we not still on earth where “the prince of this world “ (John 12:31) rules with great might and deep guile? And what are we in comparison with him? How, then, are we to understand that Christ has redeemed us from the power of the devil?
First, and above all, Christ has taken from the devil the power to accuse us and to demand our death at the bar of God’s unalterable righteousness because of our sins. For Christ, by His death, has atoned for our sins, has made full satisfaction to the righteous God, and has reconciled the world unto Himself. Thus our accuser has been cast down once for all. Furthermore, Christ, as our Substitute, in His great struggle with the devil, so completely conquered and vanquished him that, through Him, we are able to withstand all the temptations of the devil, and to gain the victory over him at all times, by means of the Word of Christ. “One little Word can fell him” (Hymn 262, st. 3), him, the Evil Foe. And secondly, as a result of Christ’s victory over the devil, the devil can do nothing to us unless Christ permits it for our good. Do you hear? For our good.
Yes, Christ has redeemed us from the power of the devil. Trusting in Christ, we may deride and scorn the devil. This will sorely vex that proud spirit, and make him flee from us. Thus did Christ destroy the power of the devil. And this has been brought to light and vouched for us by the resurrection of Christ, whereby Christ, our Substitute, triumphed over the devil. “Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Corinthians 15:57).
PRAYER – Oh, risen Savior! Thou hast bruised the devil’s head. Now I am redeemed from the power of the devil. The devil can no longer successfully accuse me. I may scoff and scorn him. For this I give thanks to Thee with all my redeemed heart. Oh, grant that I may rejoice more and more in the knowledge of this, my blessed freedom, and, at all times, continue to boldly resist the devil and firmly cling to Thee, until Thou shalt free me from every temptation and take me into Thy Kingdom of Glory. Amen.
Abide with richest blessings, among us, bounteous Lord;
let us in grace and wisdom, grow daily through Thy Word.
Abide with Thy protection, among us, Lord, our strength;
lest world and Satan fell us, and overcome at length.
(Hymn 53, st. 4-5; TLH)
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