Sample Questions for Confirmation Examination

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“Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.”  –1 Peter 3:15


(Note that these are only samples, and that other questions, as well as some “follow-ups”, might be asked, also prooftexts for the doctrines discussed.)

  1. What is a catechism? Who wrote our Small Catechism?  When?
  2. What does the Small Catechism contain? From what source were they taken?
  3. What is the Bible? Who wrote it –OT? –NT?  How many books in each testament?
  4. Why is the Bible God’s Word even though it was written down by men?
  5. What does by inspiration of God mean? What is verbal inspiration?
  6. What are the two purposes of the Bible? What use should we make of it? (4)
  7. What are the two chief doctrines of the Bible?
  8. What is the Law? What is the Gospel?  In what three ways can we contrast them?
  9. When was God’s Law given to men? (2) What is the written summary of God’s Law?
  10. What is the First Commandment? What does this mean?
  11. Who is the only true God?
  12. What does God forbid in the First Commandment?
  13. When do men have other gods?
  14. Give several examples of antitrinitarian religions. (Don’t forget lodges & Scouts!)
  15. Give several examples of fine idolatry.
  16. What does God require in the First Commandment?
  17. What is the Third Commandment? What does this mean?
  18. Does God still require His people to keep the Sabbath today? Why not?
  19. What was the Old Testament Sabbath a picture of –looking back? –looking ahead?
  20. How do people despise preaching and the Word of God?
  21. What does God require in the Third Commandment? (4)
  22. When the Lord warns us not to forsake “the assembling of ourselves together,” does that refer only to coming to worship services or also to other opportunities for the hearing and learning of God’s Word with our brethren?
  23. What is the Sixth Commandment? What does this mean?
  24. What is marriage? What is a rightful engagement?
  25. For what two reasons only does God permit an innocent party to procure a divorce?
  26. What else does God forbid in the Sixth Commandment?
  27. What does God require of all of us in the Sixth Commandment?
  28. What must we do to lead a chaste and decent life as Christians?
  29. How does God expect us to keep His Law? Can anyone do that? (2)
  30. Can anyone be saved by the Law?
  31. What threefold purpose does God’s Law serve? Which is the chief purpose?
  32. What is sin? By whom was it brought into the world?
  33. What is original sin? What is actual sin? Sins of commissionOmission?
  34. Where alone can we find salvation from sin?
  35. What is a creed? Why is the first of our creeds called the Apostles‘ Creed?
  36. What do you mean when you confess, “I believe in God”? (3)
  37. Why do we call God our Maker? Why can’t a Christian accept evolution? (4)
  38. What moves God to do all that He does for you?
  39. What is your duty toward Him in view of all that He has done for you?
  40. What is the meaning of the Second Article of the Apostles’ Creed? (Recite!)
  41. Of whom does the Second Article treat? Why is He called Jesus? Why Christ?
  42. What do you mean when you confess, “I believe in Jesus Christ”? (3)
  43. Who is Jesus Christ? (2)
  44. Why do you believe that Jesus Christ is true God? (4) Why true man? (3)
  45. What two natures are therefore united in Christ? [Know term: personal union]
  46. Why was it necessary that our Savior be true man? (2) Why true God? (3)
  47. “Christ” means “the Anointed One”. For what threefold office was He anointed?
  48. In what did Christ’s State of Humiliation consist?
  49. Why did Christ so humble Himself?
  50. What does redeem mean? With what? (Not with…but with…) From what? (3)
  51. How does Christ’s work of redemption benefit YOU? [Term: Vicarious Atonement]
  52. Has Christ redeemed, purchased and won only you?
  53. In what does Christ’s State of Exaltation consist?
  54. Why is the resurrection of Christ of such great importance and comfort to us? (4)
  55. What comfort do we derive from Christ’s sitting at the right hand of the Father? (How does He exercise His threefold office on our behalf now that He is exalted?)
  56. What do the Scriptures teach about Christ’s coming to judgment?
  57. Is there any basis in Scripture for the so-called “Millennium” of Christ on earth?
  58. How sure are you of your redemption by Jesus Christ?
  59. Why do we close this and the other articles of our creed with the words: “This is most certainly true“?
  1. Who is the Holy Ghost? What is His chief work?
  2. Why is it necessary that the Holy Ghost work this faith in you?
  3. What did the Holy Ghost do when He called you by the Gospel? (Def. of Enlight.)
  4. What is this work of the Holy Ghost called? (Term: Conversion)
  5. Why do we say He has done this work by the Gospel?
  6. What else has the Holy Ghost wrought in you by the Gospel? (Sanct. Narrower)
  7. What is a “good work” in the sight of God? (Know all points!)
  8. What has the Holy Ghost lastly wrought in you by the Gospel?
  9. Does the Holy Ghost desire to work all this in everyone who hears the Gospel?
  10. Why then are not all men saved? How do the Calvinists account for this?
  11. What is the Holy Christian Church? Why is it invisible?
  12. Where is this Church to be found according to Isaiah 55:10-11?
  13. Where is the Gospel regularly and consistently in use? (Local Cong. with its Ministry)
  14. What is the so-called “visible church”?
  15. What is an orthodox church? Why is orthodoxy so important to our faith?
  16. What is the only divinely-ordained external fellowship?
  17. What is the local congregation?
  18. When do we use the Doctrine of the Church properly? (4 points)
  19. What is meant by the term religious unionism? What is sinful separatism?
  20. Briefly, what is the false position on the Church held by the Wisconsin Synod?
  21. How does God forgive your sins?
  22. What moves Him to do this?
  23. For whom has forgiveness been both obtained and declared? (Term: Objective Justification)
  24. Where is this forgiveness offered to poor sinners? (What is the giving means?)
  25. How is it accepted & received by a penitent sinner? (What is the receiving means?)
  26. Why can and should every believer be certain of the forgiveness of sins?
  27. Why must we ever firmly maintain the doctrine of justification by grace, for Christ’s sake, through faith? (5 points!)
  28. To whom will God give eternal life?
  29. Are you sure that you will enter eternal life? How do you know this? (The Election of Grace — Know the points as well as the answer to Q/A 199.)
  1. What is prayer? To whom alone should prayer be directed?
  2. What should move us to pray? (4 points)
  3. How should we pray?
  4. What prayers has God not promised to answer?
  5. Which is the most excellent of all prayers? Why?
  6. With whom only should we pray? Why? (Principle of Fellowship)
  7. What is a sacrament? (4 points)
  8. What is Baptism? What is the visible element?
  9. What does the word “baptize” mean?
  10. What does Baptism give or profit?
  11. Why should infants too be baptized? (3 points & passages!)
  12. To whom does Baptism give forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation?
  13. What is the Office of the Keys? (Catechism definition)
  14. What all is authorized under the Office of the Keys? (Cf. Q/A 267)
  15. To whom was this authority given by Christ, both in general & particularly?
  16. Who are penitent sinners? (2 points) What is the fruit of true repentance?
  17. What is a test of genuine repentance? (Willingness to amend one’s sinful life)
  18. How does the local congregation publicly administer the Office of the Keys? (Know well Q/A 275!)
  19. What is the only divinely-ordained or -commanded office in the church?
  20. What function do other offices serve? Do we have to have such offices?
  21. What are the Pastor’s God-given duties over against the sheep in his flock? (Know Acts 20:28 and Hebrews 13:17.)
  1. How must the Christian congregation deal with manifest and impenitent sinners?
  2. What steps of admonition does the Savior prescribe before a manifest andimpenitent sinner is put out of His Church?  (Matthew 18:15-17)
  1. What does Jesus mean when He says, “If he neglect to hear the church”?
  2. What does Jesus call someone who refuses to hear and heed the admonition of His Word?  When the congregation makes that declaration according to Jesus’ command, what IS such a person before God as well as before men? (Passage)
  1. Is an excommunicated person only out of the local congregation and itsfellowship?
  1. What is the real purpose of excommunication?
  2. What is the Sacrament of the Altar?
  3. What are the earthly elements in this Sacrament?
  4. What is received in, with, and under those elements in the Sacrament? Only by believers??
  5. What is meant by the term real presence?
  6. Why do you believe in the real presence? (4 points)
  7. What do the Reformed believe about this? What do the Romanists believe about it?
  8. How does the Roman Catholic Church describe the Lord’s Supper, which it calls  the “Mass”?  Is that what the true Lord’s Supper IS?  Prove that it is NOT a “sacrifice”.
  1. When and only when do we have the true Lord’s Supper? Do the Reformed have it?  Do the Romanists have it?
  2. Why should we partake of the Lord’s Supper frequently? (3 points)
  3. For what purposes do we come to the Lord’s Table? (3 points)
  4. How should we examine ourselves before coming to the Sacrament? (4 points)
  5. In the first of those steps, how do we identify our sins and recognize their grossness before God?
  1. What does it say about a communicant’s preparedness to receive the Sacrament if he does not intend to amend his sinful life?
  2. Why must we consider the true worthiness of a communicant?
  3. To whom must the Lord’s Supper be denied? (4 points)
  4. What is the purpose of Communion Announcement to the Pastor? Is that his business to guide us in our self-examination? (See Hebrews 13:17 and Acts 20:28)
  1. How does the Sacrament impart the forgiveness of sins? How do we receive it?