#89 – “To Thee My Heart I Offer”
“To Thee My Heart I Offer”
by Unknown author, 1653
1. To Thee my heart I offer,
0 Christ-child sweet and dear;
Upon Thy love relying,
Oh, be Thou ever near!
Take Thou my heart and give me Thine
And let it be forever mine,
0 Jesus, holy, undefiled,
My Savior meek and mild.
2. My heart within is glowing,
0 Christ-child sweet and dear.
I love Thee, Lord and Savior;
Oh, be Thou ever near!
I see Thee in a manger laid,
Near cattle resting unafraid;
I see Thy deep humility
And lowly bow to Thee.
3. What brought Thee to the manger,
0 Christ-child sweet and dear?
Thy love for me, a stranger, —
Oh, be Thou ever near!
0 Lord, how great is this Thy love
That reaches down from heaven above,
Thy love for us, by sin defiled,
That made Thee, God, a child!
4. With all my heart and being,
0 Christ-child sweet and dear,
I love Thee, and Thee only;
Oh, be Thou ever near!
My heart I in Thy manger lay,
Let it remain there and for aye
Draw it to Thee that it may be
Secure eternally.
5. Let me be Thine forever,
0 Christ-child sweet and dear;
Uphold me with Thy mercy
And be Thou ever near.
From Thee I gladly all receive,
And what is mine to Thee I give.
My heart, my soul, and all I own:
Let these be Thine alone.
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