A Prayer for Our Fellow Pastors Abroad
O Thou great God, whose Son died on the cross to accomplish redemption for all the children of men, those that are near and those that are far off, we pray Thee to regard with compassion the many millions of fellow-men who are still sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death. They have an immortal soul as do we; and being flesh born of the flesh, they are under the curse and cannot bring about their own salvation. Grant our Pastors that are in distant lands that they may come to the spiritually lost with the message of the cross so that they may believe and live. Wherever these consecrated men are engaged in the blessed task of bringing the Gospel to the heathen, do Thou give success to their labors, open the hearts so the saving Word will be received, increase thy Church in the midst of the enemies, and let the fruits of true righteousness abound. Give Thy protection to all our Pastors abroad, ward off persecution to them and their congregations, keep them healthy and strong, give them the grace of faithfulness, and finally receive them and those they lead to Christ into heaven. We ask this in His name. Amen.
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